How To Use Essential Oils to Calm Those with Behavior Problems
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How To Use Essential Oils to Calm Those with Behavior Problems

Behavior struggles are so hard on the parents and siblings and especially the child that has it. They don’t want to feel this way. In this blog post, I will share with you how to use essential oils to calm those with behavior struggles.

Is Your Child Experiencing Sensory Aversion or Are They Sensory Seeking?
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Is Your Child Experiencing Sensory Aversion or Are They Sensory Seeking?

Do you have a picky eater? Someone who is sensory challenged. Then come join my 3 Day Series to learn how you can begin to overcome that.

Calming Your Child with ODD Through Positive Reinforcement
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Calming Your Child with ODD Through Positive Reinforcement

Does Your Child have ADHD and ODD?

As a mom to a child with ADHD and as a Health Coach who specializes in working with families whose children have ADHD, often times we find there is something else going on and we have to play detective to figure that out. One of the many disorders that can co-exist with ADHD is ODD and my son also has ODD.

Top 7 Things to Do After You Receive an ADHD Diagnosis For Your Child
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Top 7 Things to Do After You Receive an ADHD Diagnosis For Your Child

Your Child Just Received a Diagnosis of ADHD

Your child has been struggling at school with focus, attention to detail and declining grades. Your child’s teacher told you at parent teacher conferences that your child has trouble waiting his turn and interrupts all the time. You have noticed some of the same things as well as the inability to sit still, especially at dinnertime and bedtime has been a struggle for awhile. You decided it was time to see if your child does indeed have ADHD and you just received the diagnosis. Now what are you to do?