Top 7 Things to Do After You Receive an ADHD Diagnosis For Your Child

Your Child Just Received a Diagnosis of ADHD

Your child has been struggling at school with focus, attention to detail and declining grades. Your child’s teacher told you at parent teacher conferences that your child has trouble waiting his turn and interrupts all the time. You have noticed some of the same things as well as the inability to sit still, especially at dinnertime and bedtime has been a struggle for awhile. You decided it was time to see if your child does indeed have ADHD and you just received the diagnosis. Now what are you to do?

Top 7 Things To Do Now

We received the diagnosis when my son was in 4th grade after years of searching what else could be going on. He already had a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder and we had been through all the therapies and it always felt like we were missing something, which it turned out we were. Here’s what we did after the diagnosis. I hope it helps you.

  1. Do your research – there are 3 types of ADHD and it’s important to know which one your child has. Learning can only help you understand how your child feels and how you can better help him/her.

  2. Investigate treatment options – Behavior therapy and social skills therapy classes can truly help your child be the best they can be. Individual therapy helped our son to be able to talk to someone outside of the family unit and express his feelings.

  3. To Medicate or Not to Medicate – Decide if you are going to try medication or are you going the natural route. There are many things to consider if you are going to be starting medication and be sure to discuss all of these things with your child. Prepare them so they are aware of how they could be feeling. Natural options are more prevalent than when my son was first diagnosed. There are supplements that can help essential oils to minimize symptoms, healing the gut, diet changes and exercise which can all be included in whatever plan you decide.

  4. Meet with School Staff – Set up a time to meet with your child’s teacher, school psychologist and special education team. Discuss options for your child to have an extended period of time for tests or a special seating arrangement. Discuss whether an IEP or 504 might be useful for your kids.

  5. Talk to Your Child – Explain to your child what’s going on. They need to know what’s happening and how things might be changing for them. Let them ask questions and vent if needed. My son didn’t understand why he had this condition and his friends and siblings didn’t.

  6. Seek Support – It’s a very hard journey and support for you, the parent, is essential so you have someone to talk to and others who understand. I didn’t have that and that’s why I started a free Facebook group. You can join here and get the support you truly need:

  7. Research other co-existing conditions – There are other conditions that very often go along with ADHD. Some of them are anxiety, depression, OCD, ODD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Learning Disabilities, Tourette’s, Mood Disorder. Consult your pediatrician if you suspect any of theses.

Adjusting to a New Normal

Give you and your child some time to adjust to the new normal. I suggest changing things slowly and taking it one step at a time. Too many changes can be overwhelming for you and your child. Most kids with ADHD find change hard, so it is very beneficial for all to change things slowly.

Free Gift for You as You Begin This Journey!

I created an E-book to help you as you get started on this path complete with an Action Guide for you to follow.

5 Ways to Keep Your Child with ADHD Calm & Focused

I’d love to hear your story. Please comment below and I’ll get right back to you.

Until next time,


About the author:  Mary is a wife of 22 years and mom to three children, one who has ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder.  She is also a Certified Health Coach and loves to serve her clients through a Free Facebook group, Online and In-Person Individual Family Coaching and Group Coaching programs.  She is also a self published author of “Food & The Brain” a book about how food affects our brains and the creator of “Grocery Store to Table” a program with a proven approach to helping your child accept new foods into their diets.

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