How To Use Essential Oils to Calm Those with Behavior Problems
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How To Use Essential Oils to Calm Those with Behavior Problems

Behavior struggles are so hard on the parents and siblings and especially the child that has it. They don’t want to feel this way. In this blog post, I will share with you how to use essential oils to calm those with behavior struggles.

Calming Your Child with ODD Through Positive Reinforcement
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Calming Your Child with ODD Through Positive Reinforcement

Does Your Child have ADHD and ODD?

As a mom to a child with ADHD and as a Health Coach who specializes in working with families whose children have ADHD, often times we find there is something else going on and we have to play detective to figure that out. One of the many disorders that can co-exist with ADHD is ODD and my son also has ODD.

Treating ADHD, OCD and ODD by Removing Food Additives
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Treating ADHD, OCD and ODD by Removing Food Additives

Food additives.  What are they and how do they affect us?  Food additives are substances added to food to preserve or add flavor, color or texture to processed foods. They can affect us in many ways.  As a holistic health coach, I believe there are no positive effects of eating food with additives.  Headaches, tiredness, hyperactivity, lessened ability to concentrate, irritability, anxiety and the list goes on.