Which Foods Affect Our Kids’ Brains?
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Which Foods Affect Our Kids’ Brains?

Our Kids’ Brains

The brain grows faster in the first year of life than at any other time. These are important years of social and academic learning and brain development is critically important to support these changes. 90% of a child’s brain is developed before the age of 5. Why is that fact so important? Well, this is a critical time for nutrients to get to that growing brain and as parents we want to grow the healthiest brain possible for our kids.

Treating ADHD, OCD and ODD by Removing Food Additives
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Treating ADHD, OCD and ODD by Removing Food Additives

Food additives.  What are they and how do they affect us?  Food additives are substances added to food to preserve or add flavor, color or texture to processed foods. They can affect us in many ways.  As a holistic health coach, I believe there are no positive effects of eating food with additives.  Headaches, tiredness, hyperactivity, lessened ability to concentrate, irritability, anxiety and the list goes on.