Homework Helpers

Hi everyone, On this week’s Facebook Live I discussed some homework helpers that I used when my son Matthew who has ADHD and Sensory Integration was struggling with homework time.  Now that was 15 years ago and since then, technology has advanced so much.  Now there are apps to help with so many things.  I’ve done some research and here are my recommendations of the 5 apps that can help with homework time and beyond.

When Matthew was little, we made a schedule using pictures for daily routine, such as wake up, eat breakfast, brush teeth, make bed, get dressed, etc.  Now there is an app to help you with that.  It’s called Choiceworks and is available on I Tunes.  It’s 5 star rated and is $6.99.  It can help with such things as:  understanding  & controlling their feelings,  and improve their ability to take turns and not interrupt.  It can be set for morning, day, and night routines, all in one place.  I would have loved having some help when Matthew always interrupted.  It was a hard challenge for us as a family.


Another app I came across with high ratings is the Social Skills Builder app.  The Lite version is only $2.99 and it offers 4 modules.  You can purchase the full version for $9.99 and has 19 modules.  It teaches the following social skills:  friendship/life skills, understanding emotions, problem solving, critical thinking, perspective taking.  It was created by a speech language pathologist who understands how to promote social skills successfully.

Available on I Tunes

Available on I Tunes

For those struggling with fine motor skills, Dexteria might be the app for you.  It got 4 stars and turns your I-Pad into a therapy tool. It’s great for kids and adults.  It’s $4.99 in the app store.  It was designed with Occupational therapists. Dexteria’s unique hand and finger activities take full advantage of the iOS multi-touch screen to help build strength, control, and dexterity. The app’s efficacy is supported by independent research studies, including a 2016 study by Huntington University published in the Journal of Hand Therapy.

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My 2nd son required speech therapy due to articulation problems.  I would have loved to have had the next app I’m going to share with you.  It’s called Splingo’s Language Universe and it was created by speech language pathologists to help children learn listening and language skills.  Splingo is great for developmental levels 18 month up to 4 years and beyond.

Avail. on Android and IOS 

Avail. on Android and IOS

The last app I’m going to share today is a fun one.   FacesIMake is a right brain creativity app available on I Tunes.  It allows the creative side to our kids come out.  It expands visual awareness and visual associations which is right brain activated.  It’s $2.99 in the app store.

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So, there you have it.  My top 5 pics for apps.  I hope you and your child enjoy them.  Post below which one is your child’s favorite 🙂

Free Gift for You! 5 Ways to Keep Your Child with ADHD Calm & Focused!

Until next time,


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